Friday 20 December 2013

Assembling my army...

Given that I plan to flesh out my battle force with detail and description, I've figured that one of my first tasks must be to come up with a standard battle list – an 'all comers' force that I can use for a variety of purposes. (There is another reason for this; another of my New Year's Resolutions is to 'go on the road' more for battles, and if I have a standardized force then I can have it ready to transport without any messing around...) One of the great challenges of 40k is to come up with a force that is competitive against any army, but my primary concern was an army that was fun, and followed the background properly.

Given that my background details came from Space Crusade, I took a look at the components. It boiled down to three Tactical Squads, three Scouts Squads, and three Tarantulas. Immediately I resolved that my usual force would have to include these elements; that's a pretty good basis for a battle force in any case. I decided to optimize my force at 1,500 points, my local meta usually fights at this size, and going for this points level seemed logical. So – I had my troops, essentially.

At this point I then looked at my list to see what I wanted to take; this boiled down to getting out my favourite models, and looking over my favourite parts of the army list. I never think that a list is truly complete without a Captain; regardless of the 'fluff', a Space Marine force needs a leader, so that was my primary HQ, and a Librarian is always fun. I've been a sucker for psychic powers since Dark Millenium. There had to be an Inquisitor, also...and if he wasn't also a psyker, well, I was missing a trick. At this stage I really wanted a he went onto the table as well. This is a bit of a controversial choice, I know, but damn it, I love the model!

I wanted some elements of heavy support, of course. Now, I've been a fan of Devastator Squads even when they were far too expensive in 5th Edition; today I consider them a must-buy. I went with a load-out of three missile launchers and a plasma cannon. The Sergeant will give the Plasma Cannon a ballistic skill of five with his auspex, and the Inquisitor will usually be providing the Devastators with a Divination-based re-roll, which seemed to nicely mitigate the disaster of 'Gets Hot'. For extra boom, I took a Whirlwind – and added a Storm Bolter to it for safety. I've used this figure a lot, and it's been attacked at close range often enough that a Storm Bolter would have been handy, not to mention the disaster that 'weapon destroyed' otherwise represents.

Back to the troops, which needed transport. Rhinos are of course the usual stand-by here, but having used them an awful lot, I wasn't convinced. I didn't want to transport everything into battle in any case; I wanted to split into combat squads, and an idea was evolving. Four Power Armour squads – four characters. Each squad could be led by a character to serve as bodyguard, and to give each one extra muscle. Heavy Weapons teams at the rear to provide fire support and hold objectives, Attack teams at the forefront to secure objectives in the mid- to late-game. The Tarantulas gave me the idea – Razorbacks. I rationalized that my Techmarine had probably attached the Tarantulas to Rhinos for extra mobility at some point! I wanted one Veteran Sergeant, and gave him a Power Axe; the others I left as they were, though one of them got a Plasma Pistol for extra punch. For heavy weapons, I went with two Missile Launchers and a Heavy Bolter, and for special I took a Plasma Gun, a Meltagun and a Flamer, considering that a reasonable mix.

Scouts came next. I'm a traditionalist with Scouts; I don't like the 'Sniper' variant, probably because I've never had any luck with them! Land Speeder Storms can be good, but used singly have a tendency to die gloriously. Looking at the old loadouts, it seemed to be Combat Knifes, Bolt Pistols, Bolters, and Heavy Bolters. Perfect; I had to pick up a couple more squads, but it was worth it. I ended up with two 'Assault' Scout Squads with Combat Knives and Bolt Pistols, and one 'Tactical' Scout Squad with Bolters and a Heavy Bolter. I can infiltrate those ahead of my battle force to cause nice surprises to my enemies...

That was pretty much it! No tanks, not really, just APCs, but a character-heavy force was exactly what I was looking for. I can make a lot of detail out of these – there are five characters I can go to town on, counting the Veteran Sergeant, and seven squads to detail. In addition – I think this is a pretty decent, balanced force, with a good amount of anti-armour and anti-squad heavy weapons, decent mobility, and potentially nine scoring units. That's going to be a handful to take down in a battle...I just hope it is enough to do the job! Naturally, this could well be subject to tweaks and alterations...but here is my fifteen-hundred point battleforce.

Captain (Power Sword, Artificer Armour)
Librarian (Force Sword, Psychic Hood)
Inquisitor (Psyker, Power Armour, Force Sword)
Techmarine (Servo-Arm)

Tactical Squad (Veteran Sergeant, Power Axe, Missile Launcher, Plasma Gun, Razorback )
Tactical Squad (Flamer, Missile Launcher, Razorback)
Tactical Squad (Plasma Pistol, Meltagun, Heavy Bolter, Razorback)
Scout Squad (Combat Knife, Bolt Pistol)
Scout Squad (Combat Knife, Bolt Pistol)
Scout Squad (Bolter, Heavy Bolter)

Heavy Support
Devastator Squad (Missile Launcher x3, Plasma Cannon)

Whirlwind (Whirlwind Missile Launcher, Storm Bolter)  

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